The Kahala
The Kahala is an Iconic Hotel & Resort located in the coveted getaway of Honolulu, Hawaii, known for its inspired Hawaiian Monarchy architecture, elegant and grand residential feels, and strong Waialae beachfront vibes.
Since its inception, The Kahala has hosted five decades worth of illustrious guests, from royalty to heads of state and Hollywood stars, such as John Wayne, Frank Sinatra, Barack Obama, and Queen Elizabeth, to name a few.
In response to COVID-19, the Kahala developed a sanitation protocol called the “The Kahala Clean Promise.” Carefully designed by the World Health Organization (WHO) directives, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Hawaii State Health Departments, and Local Governments.
As part of their health and safety protocol, The Kahala reached out to SmartUV in search of a reliable, tested, and powerful UV-C disinfection method that would strengthen their Promise.
Through powerful full-room UV-C disinfection with our Apollo, the Kahala has kept their Promise and welcomes you back to a safe, clean Hotel & Resort in Waialae, Honolulu, Hawaii.)